Fybr Enforcement App

No one likes parking tickets, but at Fybr we know that a few bad drivers can ruin things for everyone. Fair enforcement of parking rules can help keep streets clear and safe – addressing hazards such as double parked vehicles, blocked handicapped zones or fire hydrants – and can increase commerce by facilitating the turnover of parking in high-demand areas.

That’s where Fybr Enforce comes in. Our app for policy enforcement officers (PEOs) is better than ever. As we’ve upgraded our parking management system with the new Fybr Parking Sensor 2, we’ve also been paying considerable attention to how we can make it easier for enforcement officers to complete important tasks from mobile devices.

Traditionally, enforcement officers patrol assigned routes to look for parking violations. As fuel and personnel costs increase, that outdated model can quickly get expensive and often doesn’t offer a very good return on investment.

Instead, Fybr Enforce alerting PEOs to violations as they occur, significantly reducing fleet fuel expenses. It also allows communities to pool enforcement officers in geographic areas instead of assigned routes, says Kyu Sung Cho, an expert who has been consulting with Fybr on the app’s software architecture.

“Down the road, we believe we can build the ability to predict high-probability violation areas so that our system helps municipalities to pre-stage PEOs ahead of time,” he says.

Using highly accurate parking data from Fybr’s sensors and network, the next iteration of Fybr Enforce will be able to take into account irregular parking rules based on the time of day or day of the week, street maintenance schedules and more. This technology will allow Parking Enforce to operate in real word situations and even to alert the correct enforcement officer about violation depending on their work schedule or route.

It will also improve the application’s ability to receive payment information and will work with as many methods as possible, making Fybr a good corporate partner to both municipalities and vendors who supply meters and payment platforms.

Finally, Fybr Enforce is also customizable, giving municipalities greater flexibility.

“We’ve taken a highly modular approach to the overall system design, right down to how the software components communicate behind the scenes,” says Kyu Sung Cho. “There will be many avenues to customize the look and feel of the apps, depending on the requirements of the customer.”